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main(String[]) - Static method in class b2p.Main
Main - Class in b2p
Main class: it supports 3 input parameters: A player type (black/white) A timeout in seconds A server IP
Main() - Constructor for class b2p.Main
makeDecision(IState) - Method in interface b2p.search.aima.IAdversarialSearch
Returns the action which appears to be the best at the given state
makeDecision(IState) - Method in class b2p.search.aima.minmax.IterativeDeepening
Returns the action which appears to be the best at the given state
maxValue(IState, State.Turn, int, int, int) - Method in class b2p.search.aima.minmax.MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch
function needed to implement correctly the alpha-beta pruning: detects the maximum value between two possible states and prunes all the sub-trees that won't be explored according to the current heuristic function
Metrics - Class in b2p.search.aima
This class defines all the parameters needed to understand how well the tree search exploration is doing
Metrics() - Constructor for class b2p.search.aima.Metrics
Basic constructor that sets both nodeExpanded and currDepthLimit
MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch - Class in b2p.search.aima.minmax
This class represents a Minimax search with alpha-beta pruning to be ran on a game state.
MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch(IterativeDeepening, IState, IAction, State.Turn) - Constructor for class b2p.search.aima.minmax.MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch
Builds a MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch object given the strategy, the current state of the game, the initial action and the player for whom the best decision has to be made
minValue(IState, State.Turn, int, int, int) - Method in class b2p.search.aima.minmax.MinMaxAlphaBetaSearch
function needed to implement correctly the alpha-beta pruning: detects the minimum value between two possible states and prunes all the sub-trees that won't be explored according to the current heuristic function
movesNeededForKingEscape(IState) - Static method in class b2p.state.bitboard.bitset.BitSetMove
Returns an heuristic value depending on how many moves the king needs to perform in order to escape
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